The Cooperative National Nordic Ski Center Kandersteg is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the ski jumps of the Swisscom Nordic Arena. It comprises more than 280 cooperative members.
The Board of Directors is the supreme management body of the cooperative and is responsible for the strategic matters of Swisscom Nordic Arena.
Lars Guggisberg
President / National Councillor
Kari Bieri
Verena Packmor
Representative of the municipality
Andrea Zryd
National Councillor
Bruno Keller
Ruedi Ogi
Buildings & Operation
The Operations Commission ensures the operational management of the cooperative and exercises supervision over the NNSK offices and the operational management of the Swisscom Nordic Arena.
Kari Bieri
Head & Vice President of the BoD NNSK
Ruedi Ogi
Infrastructure & Member BoD NNSK
Adrian Künzi
Urs Niedhart
Sports (BOSV / Kandersteg Ski Club)
The employees of the Swisscom Nordic Arena take care of the daily operations. Among other things, they ensure that athletes have top-prepared hills to train on at all times. In winter, the team is supplemented by temporary staff from the Kandersteg Cross-Country Centre.
Beat Ritter
Sandro Linder
Operating staff winter
Stefanie Rathmayr